Remote Viewing the Moon

Remote Viewing the Moon

This week Courtney Brown of The Farsight Institute released a video remote viewing project on what can only be described as a ‘possible’ anomaly on the surface of the moon in a photograph. This project uses several remote viewers (including myself) working blindly to try to describe the blind target. This project lasted for quite…

eight martinis issue 16 - April 2018

8 martinis issue 16 – the trainers issue

eight martinis issue 16 – April 2018 If you wanted to know everything about RV training, the who, why and how much this issue has interviews && details form seventeen RV trainers. Issue 16 contains the following: An article: Remote Viewing Training Survey – Debra Lynne Katz Interviews with Remote Viewing trainers, including: Angela T…

8 Martinis Remote Viewing magazine – Issue 15 April 2017.

– Predicting the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election – Debra Lynne Katz & Michelle Freed Bulgatz, Data Analyst: Nancy McLaughlin-Walter.
– The “Romance Of The Skies”. – Angela Thompson Smith Ph.D
– Remote Viewing Alpha Centauri.- Tunde Atunrase.
– Putting SUARV to the Test.- Jon Knowles, Elisa Lagana, Alexis Poquiz.
– Tasking RV Targets.- Daz Smith.
– Words As Eggs – Vistas Of Linguistic Ambiguity.- DR. David Shaver, N.C.Psy.A.
– Explorations into Remote Viewing Microscopic Organisms (“The Phage”).- Debra Lynne Katz, Lance William Beem, T.W. Fendley.
– Roswell – Interview with the Farsight team Courtney Brown & Dick Allgire.- Daz Smith.
– Daz Smith Full Roswell RV session.
– Remote Viewing Websites & Resources.

Remote Viewing 9/11 - book by Daz Smith

Remote Viewing 9/11 – A New Intuitive Perspective on the New York and Washington, D.C. Terror Attacks.

Remote viewing 9/11 – The New book from Daz Smith with 200 pages of actual paper based (warm-up) Remote Viewing sessions. Available now on “In 2014 Courtney Brown from the Farsight Institute blindly tasked two remote viewers; Daz Smith and Dick Allgire in a series of seven linked targets which dealt with different components…