So, you found the amazing subject; Remote Viewing. Now you are all enthused and you want to enter the world of the psychic foot soldier yourself but do not know where to start? Well, this is your lucky day as I have compiled a list of books to suit different newbie scenarios to help get you started on your Remote Viewing quest.
The ‘complete beginner – I just want the basic and to try Remote Viewing’ – Books.
OK, so you don’t want to deep dive, you’ve seen or read a little and want an overview and to get right down to trying this yourself, then start with these books.
Mind Trek – Joe McMonegale
Another great overview of remote viewing, this one also has some history about remote viewing, examples and a few details on how to start remote viewing yourself. This book was written before the CIA went public in 1995.

Remote Viewing Secrets – A Handbook – Joe McMoneagle.
A great introduction from Joe Remote viewing history, lessons learnt and how to start training and application of remote viewing yourself. A good companion guide to anyone considering really putting time and effort into practising remote viewing.

Natural Remote Viewing – Jon Noble
A friendly, easy to read book that takes the reader through all the basics allowing them to start on their practice pretty much straight away. A great book for the total beginner. If you really want to start right away with no deep dive into history or the what, where, & how, then this book would be your first choice.

The Essential guide to Remote Viewing – Paul H smith
The newest book of the suggestions, this book goes into more detail on the history of remote viewing that the others, it also details the different methods people use within Remote viewing, it then goes through some very basic instructions on helping you start to experiment with remote viewing yourself. This book give a broad overview of remote viewing in general.

For a newbie raring to get into it with not a massive amount of literature research, then I would get and read in this order.
- Natural remote viewing
- Remote viewing secrets – a Handbook
- The essential guide to Remote viewing
- Mind trek
The ‘I want more in depth history of Remote viewing’ – book list;
OK, in this scenario I would suggest these books to get you well on your way to a remote viewing education.
Reading the enemy’s mind – Paul H smith.
A very accurate and in depth book about the Star Gate project from one of the projects Remote Viewers. Published in 2005 this benefits form being written after the CIA public disclosure of the program and the release of its CIA Star Gate archives allowing a more accurate picture to be presented.

Remote Viewers: The secret history of Americans Psychic Spies – Jim Schnabel.
Another great read detailing the entire history of the American remote viewing program. Not as accurate as Paul Smiths later book, mostly due to this one being written before, during and after the public disclosure of the CA remote viewing program, so some of the details are inaccurate and based on statements form people still under government oaths and contracts. But still a very informative read and overview.

Mind Reach – Russell Targ and Harold Putthoff.
This is a classic and it showcases some of the early Sri remote viewing research from SRI. Way before it was publicly know that a remote viewing program existed. It details the Sri research, early examples and give a very interesting view form the people that started this whole remote viewing thing we all follow today.

The, ‘I want to know the RV methods, hints tips and more’ – Book list.
Firstly, not many of the know Remote viewing methods (CRV, TRV, TDS, SRV, ERV, HRVG) have been published as books to help you really learn any of these methods. Most of these in document form can be found here: including my own simple guide to also help you along.
Controlled Remote viewing – David Morehouse.
A comprehensive book packed with great example remote viewing examples, a deconstruction of the CRV process and David’s own theories on how remote viewing works. A very interesting read and a great resource for any practitioner of the CRV ( Controlled Remote Viewing) method.

CRV – Controlled Remote Viewing – Daz Smith.
During my research into remote viewing I sourced and collected what I felt were Key CRV related papers form the Star Gate archives and beyond into a single format for the CRV student. This includes an early paper by Ingo Swann on CRV, then followed by Training Notes form Tom McNear, one of the only two people taught all the Ingo Swann CRV six stage process. Following this is the later and more well know CRV manual written primarily by Paul H Smith, complied form his and the others trainings with Ingo Swann in this method.

Remote viewing Dialogues – Daz Smith.
I add this one here because in my opinion this book shad gold nuggets of information for any practitioner of remote viewing. In the early days of remote viewing and its reach through the internet, many of us had reams of questions on the what, where and how of all things remote viewing. Luckily a few of the original Star Gate viewers, through an email news group, answered these hungry questions. I collected and compiled these answers into this book, showcasing Al the important hints tips and replies.

The, ‘FUN, interesting remote viewing’ book list.
OK, so the books here are not so accurate or detailed with exactness, some are quite liberal with their personal interpretations, But they are also fun and interesting to read.
Psychic Warrior – David Morehouse.
Now, this is a controversial book, mainly because of how it came about and David’s story which has still to this day, set him apart form the rest of the remote viewing community and his fellow remote viewers from the military and SRI arena’s. Personally and like many others this books was one of the first mainstream books and exposures most of us had back in the day to Remote viewing and what went on in the Military Unit. Although we now know this is probably coloured through David’s interpretation of this that hard facts and documents. Still it’s a valuable and great read about remote viewing, from his perspective. This was one of the first real books the helped spread the knowledge of remote viewing to a large audience.

PSI Spies – Jim Marrs (edition 2).
Now I like this book, but I have a soft spot for Jim Marrs and especially his book/research into the Kennedy assassination: Crossfire. I also had the honour of working several RV projects and radio shows with Jim. This book again is not solid in its facts – but again Jim wrote this when the project was still secret so all the hard core details and in format we have today, just were not available back then. Saying this it’s another informative and fun read which will give a good overview of remote viewing without the deep dive.

The, ‘I want to Know more about aliens, ufos, and remote viewing’ – book list.
You won’t be disappointed here, there are quite a few books that meld these topics seamlessly.
Penetration (version2) – Ingo Swann.
Where to start with this one – first it’s Ana amazing read, a roller coaster ride through the experiences of the author and his encounters with a secretive group who expose him through remote viewing to a lines and UFO’s. The second version also includes a chapter form the author on remote viewing Mars and structures on the red planet which for some reason was omitted form the first edition. A must from the father of remote viewing and a legend.

Cosmic Voyage – Courtney Brown.
Courtney has always been interested in the remote viewing and alien connection as seen in his Farsight video productions, And I myself participated in many interesting blind targets for Farsight that turned out to have a UFO/Alien origin. This book from Courtney details what their data on the aliens and ufo enigma encountered using the Farsight SRV method and viewers.

Intentions – The Intergalactic Bathroom Enlightenment Guide. – Prudence Callabrese.
Remote Viewer and creator of the TDS (Trans Dimensional Systems) RV method, Prudence writes about her personal experiences with the grey dude. It’s an interesting look into the experiences of an early and important person in remote viewing history and in what may be communications with An alien being.

Remote Viewing UFOs and the visitors – Tunde Atunrase.
The Author Tunde spent great expense, time and effort in tasking the Greta Joe McMonegale to look at a series of classical and well known UFO/event cases with remote viewing eyes to add more details and perspectives. Packed with lots of RV details, sketches.

Remote Perceptions – Angela Thompson Smith.
The author takes us through her experiences using remote viewing and some of the involve experiments looking at off world targets and all things UFO and alien. The book covers a broad swathe of everything Angela has experienced but there are enough UFO/Alien bits in there for those interested.

The, ‘Real Deep dive – I need to know everything’ book list.
OK, so top of this has to be the four book set of Star Gate papers, documents from Edwin May – The Star Gate Archives: Reports of the United States Government Sponsored Psi Program, 1972-1995
These books present a selection from the CIA star Gate FOIA archives, but the authors have spent allot of time matching rv sessions with targets and feedback, and in presenting the information chronologically. A Fantastic resources for those very addicted in the science and papers from the Star Gate program a must have for those Very serious – but at a cost- each book being approx.$90+ each. See a full review here:
For an extended list of remote viewing and associated Books – click here: