Remote Viewing papers
Enclosed within this pages is an extensive bibliography of remote viewing papers. Some of these have been sourced as download pdf files that you can use and share – indicated with file icon
Other remote viewing papers are yet to be sourced for download.
Stock Market Prediction Using Associative Remote Viewing by Inexperienced Remote Viewers
Department of Electrical, Computer, & Energy Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA
Submitted 2/20/2013, Accepted 12/7/2013 – Journal of Scientific Exploration (Vol. 28, No. 1)
Abstract—Ten inexperienced remote viewers attempted to predict the outcome of the Dow Jones Industrial Average using associative remote viewing. For each trial in the experiment, each participant remotely viewed an image from a target set of two images, one of which he or she would be shown approximately 48 hours from that time. Of the two images in the target set, one corresponded to whether the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) would close up, while the other corresponded to whether it would close down at the end of the intervening trading day. For feedback, the viewers were shown only the picture actually associated with the actual market outcome. In aggregate, the participants described the correct images, successfully predicting the outcome of the DJIA in seven out of seven attempts (binomial probability test, p < .01). Investments in stock options were made based on these predictions, resulting in a significant financial gain.
Remote Viewing the Future with a Tasking Temporal Outbounder 2011 – Courtney Brown, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 81–110, 2012
This study uses remote viewing in a predictive manner within the context of a novel experimental design to describe 11 target events spread out over a year, each of which occurs approximately one month after the remote-viewing sessions are completed. The study was conducted at The Farsight Institute using 12 highly experienced remote viewers who were trained in the use of four remote-viewing methodologies that are the same as or derived from those previously used by the United States military for espionage purposes. While prediction using remote viewing has a long and spotted history, the current investigation is aimed at enhancing our understanding of the remote-viewing phenomenon by utilizing a temporal out- bounder approach to tasking in order to improve the description of future events. In this design, the tasker is located in time after the remote-viewing sessions are completed and after the occurrence of the chosen target event. Exploiting one of the largest bodies of remote-viewing data ever collected using military-related viewing methodologies, this study finds strong support for the hypothesis that experimental designs utilizing a temporal outbounder as a tasker greatly enhances the accuracy of remote-viewing descriptions of future events. The causal mechanism for why this might occur is left to be determined by future research.
From the CIA release Star Gate archives – This is a 175 page pdf document with thousands of paper references up to the year 1980. (pdf) (text)
“This remarkable bibliography was given to Christopher Bird by one of the authors, Larissa Vilenskaya, a Russian engineer and psi researcher, when she was in New York recently for a meeting. It represents some ten years of dedicated labor by herself and Edward Naumov, and cites references as recent as early 1980. It covers most of the publications in the USSR in “psychotronics, psychoenergetics, psychobiophysics and related problems,” to use their words, and is arranged by topics. The PA, recognizing the value of this unique document and the fact that it has not been published, even in Russia, arranged to have it translated.”
SRI (Stanford Research Institute) Papers
1972-1998 33 key SRI projects/Papers/reports in one pdf file
– 14.9MB pdf file (right click to ‘save as’ OR it will just open!)
1 – An Application oriented Remote Viewing Experiment
2 – An Application Orientated Remote Viewing Experiment (SRI Project 8339)
3 – Geophysical Effects Study (SRI Project 6600) Dec 84 M
4 – Geophysical Effects Study (SRI Project 6600) Jul 84)
5 – Personnel Identification and Selection (SRI Project 6000)
6 – special orientation Techniques (SRI Project 6600) (PA
7 – Special Orientation Techniques S-IV (SRI Project 5590
8 – Target Search Techniques (SRI Project 6600)
9 – special Orientation Techniques S-V, S-VI (SRI Project 6600)
10 – Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV) Technology
11 – Computer-Assisted Search (SRI-Project 1291)
12 – Feedback and Precognition – Remote Viewing Experiments (SRI Project 1291)
13 – A Remote Viewing Evaluation Proposal
14 – Free World Psychoenergetics Research Survey
15 – NIC Techniques (SRI Project 7560)
16 – Possible Photon Production during a Remote Viewing Task
17 – Special Orientation Techniques (SRI Project 8465)
18 – A Remote Viewing Evaluation Protocol (SRI Project 4028)
19 – An Automated RV Evaluation Procedure (SRI Project 7408-12)
20 – A Prototype Analysis system for Remote Viewing Task (SRI Project 1291)
21 – A Suggested Remote Viewing Training Procedure (SRI Project 1291)
22 – An Experiment to Explore Possible Anomolistic Behavior of a Photon Detection System During a Remote Viewing Test (SRI Project 1291)
23 – Application of Fuzzy Sets to Remote Viewing Analysis (U) (SRI Project 1291)
24 – Bacterial Mutation Study (SRI Project 7408-10)
25 – Enhanced Human Performance Investigation (SRI Project 1291)
26 – Enhanced Human Performance Investigation (SRI Project 1291)
27 – Enhanced Human Performance Investigation (SRI Project 1291)
28 – Enhanced Human Performance Investigations (SRI Project 7408)
29 – Feedback and Target Dependencies in RV Experiments (SRI Project 1291)
30 – Forced-Chance Remote Viewing (UL(SRI Project 1291)
31 – Location of Target Material in Space and Time (SRI Project 1291)
32 – Neurophysiological Correlates to Remote Viewing (SRI Project 1291)
33 – PSI Communications Experiments
CRV (Controled Remote Viewing compliation). A 260 page, 10MB pdf. Within this packed file, is:
SRI – Co-ordinate Remote viewing (CRV) Technology 1981-83 briefing.
– from a paper authored by Hal Puthoff and the consultant Ingo Swann.
I have included a ‘briefing version’ of this paper as it has more explanatory references to the CRV process and the R&D of stages 1-8.Special Orientation Techniques – Stages 1-3
Author – Hal Puthoff – 1984
Overview of the first three stages of training with examples.Special Orientation Techniques – Stages 4
Author – Hal Puthoff – 1984
Overview of the stage4 of training with examples.Special Orientation Techniques – Stages 5-6
Author – Hal Puthoff – 1984
Overview of the stages 5-6 of training with examples.Tom McNear CRV Training notes/manual – circa – 1985.
One of Ingo’s first and possibly one of his best students training notes/manual in document form.Paul Smith CRV Training notes/manual
circa – (1996 onwards in the public domain) The modern most well know and used CRV manual.Daz Smith Open Source CRV guide (2005)
– my ‘loose’ guide with examples to use with the available material to help explain it better for those attempting to use CRV form the available material.
Information Transmission Under Conditions of Sensory Shielding – Oct 1974 – Dr. Harold E. Puthoff and Russell Targ.
Psychoenergetic Research: Suggested Approaches – 1 May 1978. – H. Puthoff, R. Targ, E. May.
Document identifies and discusses key areas of psychoenergetic research and indicates those areas for experimentation and analysis most likely to provide answers to critical questions.
Standard Remote-viewing Protocol (Local Targets) – Nov 1978. – R. Targ, H. Puthoff.
Description of a protocol developed by SRI and reported in IEEE Proceedings.
Proposed GF Protocol: Task II – 8 May 79 – SRI
Proposed SRI International Protocol For Research on Remote Perturbation Techniques.
Experimental PSI Research: Implications For Physics – Jul 1979. – Russell Targ, Edwin May, H. Puthoff.
Results of continuing experiments at SRI on “remote viewing”
Special orientation Techniques (Interim Report) – Oct 1979. – R. Targ, H. Puthoff, Edwin May
Proposed GF Protocol: Task II – 15 Nov 1979 – SRI. (Actual document cannot be found)
Proposed SRI International Protocol For Research on Remote Perturbation Techniques. The May document contains summary description of experiments in “remote perturbation” (RP), i.e., perturbation of an event outcome by mental processes alone. November document describes a procedure and an experiment for RP.
Phase I: Hardware Construction and System Evaluation – June 1980. – G. Hubbard, E. May.
Development of a reliable, computer-based random number generator with graphic display capabilities.
NIC Techniques – Quarterly Progress Report – 10 Jan 80 – H. Puthoff, I. Swann, G. Langford.
Investigation of remote viewing phenomena as an aid in assessing foreign research and applications.
Special orientation Techniques (Final Report) – may 79 to 31 Mar 1980. – R. Targ, H. Puthoff, Edwin May.
The objectives of this program are the optimization of remote viewing (RV) protocols, the orientation of selected individuals to reach enhanced levels of ability, and the establishment of screening procedures to enlarge the population from which individuals are selected.
SRI 3-YR Joint Services Psychoenergetics Program – 30 Jun 1980. – H. Puthoff, R. Targ, E. May, B. Humphrey, G. Langford. (Actual document cannot be found)
A SRI, 3-yr proposed program devoted to developing psychoenergetic skills and assessment techniques.
Special orientation Techniques – Jun 1980. – R. Targ, H. Puthoff, B. Humphrey, E. May.
Reports present the results of a one-year program for optimizing the “remote viewing”capabilities of client-selected individuals.
Electronic System Perturbation Techniques – 30 Sept 80. – B. Humphrey, Edwin May, G. S. Hubbard.
Report considers the possible remote production of physical effects by individuals, e.g., perturbation of electronic equipment. Describes 214 separate experiments, some of which show evidence for an anomalous perturbation.
Feasability study on the use of RV Detection techniques to determine the location of Military targets – 5 Aug, 1981 – E. May, H. Puthoff.
[DoD GF Progress Report (final Report) – 30 Sept 1981. – E. May , B. Humphrey, G. Scott Hubbard.
Series of progress reports and final report of a 3-year evaluation program (to assess the potential of remote viewing for intelligence applications to enhance its potential for U.S. applications and provide data useful in assessing the threat potential of foreign applications.
FY 81 DoD GF Progress Report – Nov 81 (Actual document cannot be found)
Countermeasures: A Survey and Evaluation – Jan 1982. – G. S. Hubbard, Edwin May.
Results of a literature search to determine whether countermeasures exist against psychoenergetic intrusions
RV Reliability, Enhancement, and Evaluation – Feb 1982 – H. Puthoff
RV Reliability, Enhancement, and Evaluation – Dec 1982 – H. Puthoff
Database Management Feasibility – Jan 82 – Edwin May.
SRI proposal to implement a computer DBMS for RV data, RV training and psychoenergetic information
FY 82 Mid-Year DoD GF Progress Report – Apr 1982.
This mid-year report addresses developments in the program covering the period 1 October 1981 to 1 April 1982. This document traces government involvement with psychoenergetics research beginning in 1972. The amounts spent, goals pursued, publications produced, intelligence data gained and the evolution of the current program are discussed.
RV Detection Techniques Applied to ASW – Mar 1982 E. May, H. Puthoff.
Document addresses the potential to use remote viewing as a location aid.
Audiolinguistic Correlations With the Quality of Remote Viewing Sessions – Apr 1982 – Michael Hecker, Edwin May.
Investigation of feasibility of developing audio analysis techniques that can separate correct form incorrect statements during RV experiments.
Targeting Requirements Task – May 1982 – Harold Puthoff, Russell Targ, Beverly Humphrey, Keith Harary.
Study to determine the relative effectiveness of various procedures to assist the remote viewer in “targeting” the site of interest and, if differences exist, to determine
their dependency.
A Remote Viewing Evaluation Protocol (final Report) – (Revised Jul 1983) – Edwin May.
Development of an evaluation procedure to assess the relative quality of a set of remote viewing responses.
Co-ordinate Remote Viewing (CRV) Technology 1981-1983, Draft Report – 4 Aug 83 – H. Puthoff
In 1981, a three-year training program concerning potentials in CRV was established. I was mandated, through consulting contracts, to organize the work and tutor the selected personnel and technical elements of this program. The specific sponsors and work designs for this program may be found in other documents. The three-year program is now at an end. What follows constitutes a summary report of the work undertaken, the results obtained, and certain projections for future work if a renewed effort is mandated..
FY 83 End-of-Year DoD GF Progress Report (Final Report) – Oct 83
A Series of progress reports and final report of a 3-year evaluation program (FY 81-83) to assess the potential of remote viewing for intelligence applications to enhance Its potential for U.S. applications and provide data useful in assessing the threat potential of foreign applications.
Free World Psychoenergetics Research Survey – Nov 1983. – B. Humphrey, E. May.
An overview of 233 articles on psychoenergetics research efforts in those Free World countries that have published in the open literature. (212 pages).
Special orientation Techniques S-I, SIII– 4 Oct 1983– H. Puthoff.
Special orientation Techniques S-I, SIV– June 1984– H. Puthoff.
Special orientation Techniques S-IV – July 1984– H. Puthoff.
Special orientation Techniques SI, SII, SIII – Dec 1984– H. Puthoff.
A Data-Base Management System for operational Remote Viewing. – E. May , B. Humphrey.
A proposed application of a DBMS to organize remote viewing data.
FY 84 End-of-Year DoD GF Progress Report – Feb 85 – Edwin May.
Continuation of intelligence related remote viewing (RV) training activities initiated under a 3-yr project with emphasis on authentication and verification of RV phenomena.
RV Reliability, Enhancement, And Evaluation (final report) – Jan 1984 – H. Puthoff.
Reports of 3-yr effort focused on the development of techniques to enhance the accuracy and reliability of RV, its application to operational tasks and its integration into the overall intelligence mix.
Target Search Techniques (final report) Dec, 1984 – H. Puthoff.
The objective of this effort at SRI International is to investigate a particular aspect of psychoenergetic phenomena called Target Search. This search technique is designed to determine the location of objects, individuals, and facilities where the potential target area can range from room- to global-sized dimensions
Personnel Identification and Selection – Dec 1984 – D. Saunders, Edwin May.
Effort to determine if a personality testing technique could be developed that would delineate specific personality types that have a high degree of talent for remote viewing.
QRT Tasking – Nov 1984 -H. Puthoff. (Actual document cannot be found)
Preparation of special briefings /reports on a Quick Reaction Basis in support of psychoenergetics program and performance of RV application tasks of interest to the intelligence community.
Geophysical Effects Study (Final Report) – Dec 1984. – Marsha Adams, H. Puthoff.
Investigation of the possible effects of ambient geophysical/low-frequency electromagnetic factors on remote viewing performance.
Track I Training R&D – Dec 1984 – H. Puthoff, Martha Thomson.
Evaluation and authentication of an RV training procedure that involves targeting the desired site by using geographical coordinates.
Data Base Management – Dec 1984 – Edwin May.
Upgrade of the hardware and software of a DBMS uses by SRI to support their psychoenergetic projects.
Target Search Techniques – Dec 1984 – Harold Puthoff.
Investigation of a psychoenergetic search technique termed Target Search designed to determine the location of objects, individuals and facilities of targets of interest. This technique, also called “dowsing” in Western literature, is of particular interest for military and intelligence targets.
Psychoenergetics Research – 7 August 1984 – Author Unknown
Brief summary of SRI’s psychoenergetic program during FY 1980-1984 and a proposal for specific application to intelligence needs.
An Automated RV Evaluation Procedure – May 1985. – E. May, B. Humphrey, H. Puthoff.
Modification of a computer -automated procedure for remote viewing analysis, first developed at Princeton University, to be more responsive to intelligence needs. Development of an RV “Figure of Merit”
Coordinate Remote Viewing and Beyond -1985 – T. McNear.
The CRV Remote Viewing process descibed in full by Ingo Swann’s top student Tom McNear.
Location of Target Material in Space and Time – Dec 1986 – Edwin May, Nevin Lantz.
Experiments extending the work reported in December 1994 to locate targets of interest using the “Target Search” RV technique.
A Suggested Remote Viewing Training Procedure – Dec 1986 – G. Scott Hubbard, Gary Langford.
Development of two new concepts for a testable RV training method.
Remote Viewing Evaluation Techniques – Dec 1986 – Virginia Trask, Martha Thomson, Edwin May, Beverly Humphrey.
Describes a proposed simplified procedure for the analysis of free-response material and defines a figure of merit based upon accuracy and reliability.
[fusion_fonPhoton Production (Chinese Replication) – Dec 1987 – Edwin May
Investigation of claims regarding psychokinetic effects during remote viewing and its application to intrusion detection.
Computer-Assisted Search – Dec 1987 – Jessica Utts, Edwin May, Nevin Lantz, Beverly Humphrey, Marsha Adams.
Results of computer-assisted “search” experiments conducted over several Fiscal Years to determine the ability to locate lost or hidden item of interest using a psychoenergetic skill called “dowsing”.
Enhanced Human Performance Investigation – Dec 1987 – E. May.
FY 1987 Final Report of 5-year program (FY 1986-1990) to provide research and development in psychoenergetics as a means to enhancing human performance for military applications. Program objectives: 1) document that psychoenergetic phenomena are real and reproducible; 2) determine the mechanisms underlying these phenomena and 3) bring the field of psychoenergetics into the mainstream of human performance research.
Fuzzy Set Applications in Remote Viewing Analysis – Dec 1987. – Edwin May, Beverly Humphrey, Jessica Utts, Thane Frivold, Wanda Luke, Virginia Trask.
Application of fuzzy set mathematical techniques to the problem of remote viewing analysis using two analytical methods developed for that purpose.
Feedback and Precognition Dependent Remote viewing Experiments. – Dec 1987 – E. May, Nevin Lance.
Results of two experiments to examine precognition.
Forced-Choice Remote Viewing – Dec 1988 – Edwin May, Virginia V. Trask.
Summary of experiments conducted during FY 1986-1988 on the paradigm termed “forced- choice,, wherein the target is one of a variety of possibilities known to the viewer.
Applications of Fuzzy Sets to Remote Viewing Analysis – Dec 1988. – E. May, Jessica Utts, B. Humphrey, Thane Frivold.
An analysis to determine the appropriate parameters for applying fuzzy set mathematics to remote viewing analysis based upon implementations developed in FY 1986 and 1987.
Neurological Correlates To Remote E. May Viewing – Dec 1988. – Wanda Luke, Thane Frivold. (Actual document cannot be found)
Results of experiments exploring the possible correlations between central nervous system activity and remote stimuli.
Enhanced Human Performance Investigations – Dec 1988 – Edwin May.
An overview of the current state of psychoenergetics research and recommendations for future investigations.
Feedback and Target Dependencies in Remote Viewing Experiments – Dec 1988 – Jessica Utts.
Experiments to measure the quality of remote viewing based upon an amalgam of target type and feedback complexity.
Meta-Analysis of Forced-Choice Precognition Experiments – Dec 1988. – Edwin May.
Results of a meta-analysis of forced choice experiments published in English –language parapsychology journals between 1935 and 1987.
Review of the Psychoenergetic Research E. May Conducted at SRI International (1973-1988) – Mar 1989. Jessica Utts, Virginia Trask, Wanda Luke, Thane Frivold, Beverly Humphrey
Review and analysis of psychoenergetic research at SRI from October 1973 to September 1988. The database comprises 117 documents and a total of over 25,000 trials under a variety of protocols.
Psychoenergetics Research in Hungary (1983-1988) – April 1989. – Edwin May, Beverly Humphrey. (Actual document cannot be found)
Summary of research in psychoenergetics reported in available Hungary reports.
Government-Sponsored Research in Psychoenergetics – Feb 1989. – Author Unknown.
A summary of government sponsored research in psychoenergetics from 1972 through 1988.
A Prototype Analysis System For Special Remote Viewing Tasks – Oct 1989. – Wanda Luke, E. May, Thane Frivold, Virginia Trask.
Report of a prototype analysis system developed for remote viewing which might be conducted against targets of potential intelligence interest.
An Application orientation Remote Viewing Experiment – Apr 1989. – Edwin May. (Actual document cannot be found)
Results of an remote viewing experiment to demonstrate the potential of this novel collection technique on a directed energy weapon development
An Effort To Improve Remote Viewing Quality Using Hypnosis – Oct 1989. – Nevin Lantz
Report details a 3-year effort to improve remote viewing quality utilizing a hypnotic trance to increase the amount of target-related data produced by the viewer.
Screening For Remote Viewing Talent – Dec 1989. – Virginia Trask, Nevin D. Lantz, Wanda Luke, E. May.
Results of a multi-level screening effort of 256 candidates to identify potential high-quality remote viewers.
Observation of Neuromagnetic Fields in Response to Remote Stimuli – Dec 1989 – Wanda Lake, Edwin May, Wanda Lake, Virginia Trask, Thane Frivold.
Replication of an earlier SRI study of the response of a single subject’s central nervous system to a remote and isolated flashing light
Other Remote Viewing & related papers
Author Unknown, Undated. Finding the brain’s “mind’s eye”. Accent on Research, 28.
Author Unknown, Undated. Geologic Time: Lists, maps, diagrams, text.
Author Unknown, (1983). Partial paper 3.1.2. Hemispheric specialization: Which hand has the ESP? in Advances in Parapsychological Research: 2. Extrasensory Perception, edited by Stanley Krippner. 128-129.
Authors Unknown (1960/1964) Natural sources of hallucinogenic drugs. Illustrations and text. 2 pages.
Authors Unknown, Undated. Diagrams and charts of the Chakras and Chi Points. 2 pages.
Author Unknown, Undated, Section of longer paper on psychiatry, schizophrenia, psi and mentally-healthy individuals with page of Tart references from 1970s. 2 pages.
Author Unknown, Undated. Schematic of nervous connection from the spine to parts of the body and effects of misalignments. 1 page.
Author Unknown, Undated, 3. The development of theoretical orientation survey: Analysis of self-report data. 156-162 and Appendix: The Theoretical Orientation Survey (TOS), 156-161.
Author Unknown, Undated. Hallstad – Halsingborg one page Nordic travel directory with photo of small beings carved in rock.
Unknown Author, Undated. One page of glyphs and “alien” drawings.
Baars, Bernard, J. (1986-1987). What is a theory of consciousness a theory of? The search for criteria constraints on theory. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 6, 3-23.
Backster, Cleve and White, Stephen G. (1985). Biocommunication capability at a distance between human donors and in vitro oral leucocytes. Report of The Backster Research Foundation, San Diego, CA. Volume 7, 2, 132-146.
Bard, E.M. (1984). Nicholas Claus: A case study in psychometrics. Unknown publication , 89-91 (missing one or more final pages).
Bargh, John A. (1984). 1: Autonomic and conscious processing of social information in Handbook of Social Cognition, Vol. 3. Edited by Robert S. Wyer, Jr., and Thomas K. Srull. 1-43.
Bargh, John A. (1987). Automatic information processing: Implications for communication and affect. In H.E. Sypher, L. Donahew, and E.T. Higgins (Eds). Communication, social cognition, and affect, 2-27 plus charts.
Barinaga, Marcia (1992). Unraveling the dark paradox of “blindsight”, Science, 258, 27 November, 1438-1439.
Baruss, I. (1986-1987). Matanalysis of definitions of consciousness. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 6, 321-329.
Batey, Boyce (1995). Spiritual emergence support group in EHE News, 2, 1, March 1995.
Beck, A. (Undated). Appendix 5-1: Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) (Short Form) from Psychological Testing and Psychiatric Rating Scales, 190-191.
Beck, Crd. Chip, USNE (Ret). (1999). RV: Mind control or reality check. UFO Magazine, 14, 8, 34-37.
Becker, Robert O. (1992). Electromagnetism and Psi Phenomena, J. of the American Society for Psychical Research, 86, 1, 1-17.
Begley, Sharon (2001). Religion and the Brain. Article in Newsweek, May 7, 2001. 52-58.
Beim, L. (1988). Nature douses dilution experiment (water memory). Science News, July 23, 1988 69.
Beloff, John (1974). Parapsychology – the way ahead – based on a lecture delivered by Dr. Beloff at Imperial College, London under the aegis of the Institute for Cultural Research, May 24, 1974.
Beloff, John. (1978). Is mind autonomous? Brit. J. Phil. Sci., 29, 265-283.
Bem, Daryl, J. (1994). Response to Hyman. Psychological Bulletin, 115, 1, 25-27.
Bem, Daryl, J. and Honorton, Charles. (1994). Does psi exist? Replicable evidence for an anomalous process of information transfer. Psychological Bulletin, 115, 1, 4-18.
Bender, Lauretta (Undated). Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test, 90-98.
Benor, Daniel J. (Undated). Survey of spiritual healing research in Complementary Medical Research: Literature review and methodology. 9-33.
Benor, Daniel J. (Undated). Collection of abstracts: spiritual and alternative healing studies: human, animal and plant healing. 14 pages.
Berezin, Alexander A. (1990). News on quantum foundations of consciousness. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 70, 930.
Berezin, A.A. (1990). Isotopical positional correlates as a possible model for Beneviste experiments. Medical Hypotheses, 31, 43-45.
Berezin, Andrei (Undated). Manuscript: Modeling physical bases for certain anomalous psychophysical phenomena.
Bever, Thomas G. and Chiarello, Robert J. (1974). Cerebral dominance in musicians and nonmusicians. Science, 185, August, 537-539.
Bigelow/Roper Organization (Undated). Unusual Events Study: Questionnaire and Introduction. 2 pages.
Bisaha, J. P., and Dunne, B. J. (Undated). Multiple subject and long-distance precognitive remote viewing of geographical locations. Mind at Large, Chapter 4, 109-124.
Blackmore, Susan (1978). Parapsychology and Out-of-the-Body Experiences. Perspectives in Parapsychology, 1, 1- 33 plus cover.
Blackmore, Susan (1982). Have you ever had an OBE? : The wording of the question. J. of the Soc. Of Psychical Research, 51, 791, 293- 302.
Blackmore, Susan J. (1983). A postal survey of OBEs and other experiences. J. of the Society for Psychical Research, issue unknown, 225-244.
Blackmore, Susan (1984). Book Review. Leaving the Body: A Practical Guide to Astral Projection by D. Scott Rogo. J. of the Soc. Psychical Research, 52, 797, 316-318.
Blackmore, Susan (1987). Book Review. Flight of Mind: A Psychological Study of the Out-of-Body Experience bt H.J. Irwin. J. of the Soc. For Psychical Research, 54, 806, 68-73 plus cover page.
Blackstone, W.T. (1975). The APA code of ethics for research involving human participants: An appraisal. The Southern Journal of Philosophy, 13, 407-418.
Blakeslee, Sandra (1991). The brain may ‘see’ what eyes cannot, The New York Times, article, Tuesday, January 15, 1991.
Blanke, Olaf and Arzy, Shahar, (2005). The out-of-body experience: Disturbed self-processing at the Temoro-Parietal Junction. The Neuroscientist, Neuroscience Update. 11, 1, 16-23.
Blasband, Richard A. (Undated). The ordering of random events by emotional expression. Center for Functional Research, Tiburon, CA. 1-33.
Block, Barbara (1990). Intuition creeps out of the closet and into the boardroom. Management Review, May, 1990. 58-60.
Blum, Howard (Undated). Chapter 2 (DIA presentation on RV. Out There, 21-30.
Bonitz, Manfred (1991). The existence of simple principles governing human and scientific information behavior in the system of scientific communication. LISR, 13, 61-66.
Bonitz, M. (1994). The multidimensional space of scientometrics: The Derek John De Solla prize awars: 1984-1993. Scientometrics, 29, 1, 3-14.
Bonitz, M., Bruckner, E. & Scharnhorst, Andrea (1993). The science strategy index. Scietometrics, 26, 1, 37-50.
Bower, Bruce (Undated). Reworking intuition: Business simulations spark rapid workplace renovations. 2 pages. Possibly from Science News.
Bower, Bruce (1988). The brain in the machine. Science News, 134, November 26, 1988, 344-346.
Bower, B. (1989). Investigating eyewitness memory mishaps. Science News, 135, 9, March, 1989. 134.
Bower, B. Scientists peer into the Mind’s Psi. (1994). Science News: Science News of the Week, 145, January 29, 68.
Brandt, Daniel, (1996). Mind control and the secret state, Part II. Online article.
Braud, William (Undated) ESP, PK, and Sympathetic Nervous System Activity.
Unpublished paper. From the Mind Science Foundation, San Antonio, TX. 5 pages.
Braude, William G. and Schlitz, Marilyn J. (Undated). Consciousness interactions with remote biological systems: Anomalous intentionality effects. Subtle Energies, 2, 1, 1-46.
Braude, William and Schlitz Marilyn (1989). A methodology for the objective study of transpersonal imagery. J. of Scientific Exploration, 3, 1, 43-63.
Briggs, Gary G. and Nebes Robert D. (1975). Patterns of handedness in a student population. Cortex, 11, 230-238.
Brook, Andrew and Raymond, Paul (Undated). Paper: A Unified Theory of Consciousness. 5 pages.
Broughton, Richard S. (1975). Psi and the two halves of the brain. J. of the Society for Psychical Research, 48, 765, September, 133-147.
Broughton, Richard S. (1983). Brain hemisphere specialization and ESP: What have we learned? Symposium: Psi and the Nervous System. 1-11.
Broughton, Richard S. (1991). Repetition avoidance in ESP tests: Do sheep and goats really differ? Presented at the 34th annual convention of the Parapsychological Association, August 1991, Heidelberg, Germany.
Broughton, Richard S. (1992). Psi-missing displacement effect in old data. J. of Parapsychology, 56, March, 1992, 31-38.
Broughton, Richard S., and Perlstrom, James R. (1991). PK in a competitive computer game: A replication. Presented at the 34th annual convention of the Parapsychological Association, August 1991, in Heidelberg, Germany.
Brown, Daniel, P. & Engler, Jack. (1980). The stages of mindfulness meditation: A validation study. J. of Transpersonal Psychology, 12, 2, 143-192.
Brown, Michael (Undated). Teaching the blind to see in New Realities, 47-51.
Brown, Michael (1978). Getting serious about the occult. The Atlantic, 242, 4, October 1978, 95-104.
Brown, Suzanne V. (1996). The synchronicity connection II, in EHE News, 3, 2, September 1996.
Browne, Malcolm (1988). Impossible idea published on purpose (water memory). The New York Times, Thursday, June 30m 1988 with attached paper by Davenas et al (1988) professional paper.
Brugger, Peter, Regard, Marianne, and Landis, Theodor (1996). Unilaterally felt “presences”: The neuropsychiatry of one’s invisible doppelganger. Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology, and Behavioral Neurology, 9, 2, 114-122.
Brugger, Peter, Regard, Marrianne, and Landis, Theodor (1997). Illusory reduplication of one’s own body: Phenomenology and classification of autoscopic phenomena. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 2, 1, 19-38.
Brugger, Peter, Regard, Marianne, Landis, Theodor and Oelz, Oswald. (1999). Hallucinatory Experiences in Extreme-Altitude Climbers. Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology, and Behavioral Neurology, 12, 1, 67-71.
Bryant, Larry, W. (1999). Tales of a gravity-defying game. Alternate Perceptions, Winter 1999, 36-37.
Buchanan, Lyn (Undated). Remote viewing: An interview with Lyn Buchanan. The Sacred Union, 11, 4-12.
Buchanan, Lyn (Undated). The Assigned Witness Program information flyer.
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