This is a week whereby we again mark the passing of a great man, a visionary, and the primary reason why many of us practice the art of Remote Viewing – Ingo Swann.
To share with you some of the details about how I got to at first converse through email and fax and later in-person with Ingo Swann and Bob Durant I will share some of my past communications. I will also do so because a few misinformed individuals within the community seem to believe they can spread lies.
As it is today – The Remote Viewing community has always been a hotbed of differing opinions, stories, and events, from different perspectives and experiences. In 2008 on the IRVA email list there was a VERY heated set of discussions (or arguments) about the validity of CRV (Controlled Remote Viewing) and its trainability and when done its accuracy. A large one at the time was essentially one involving myself and Paul Smith defending the CRV method against comments from Stephan Schwartz, Russell Targ, Ed May, and Joe McMoneagle. These centered around accusations that CRV was not finished, was not tested or proved, and others. Actually Not much different than it is today these fourteen years later.
I presented paper after paper and documents from Star Gate to support CRV in these arguments.
This prompted Ingo Swann to reach out to me through a colleague – Ingo somehow knew of these online conflicts but we weren’t online himself. The first message between us is below. This started my personal journey that led me to eventually meet Ingo.
As you can see – Ingo was impressed and was thankful that his work of CRV was being supported.
We sent a few emails to faxes back and forth which led to Ingo asking for my birthday and time. Something he did, he created astrology charts for people he was interested in. (see below). He also indicated further thanks for defending CRV on the IRVA forums arguments.
In November 2008 I received fax/letter from Ingo answering some of my questions and the start of a dialogue that would go well into 2012. At the end of the letter, you can see where Ingo first starts to Invite me to chat face to face. This letter also details that Ingo would not finish his online story of Remote Viewing for fear of casting his colleagues in a negative light. Ingo was always thoughtful of others. A lesson others in this field should see as an example. (see below).
I then went on the communicate with Ingo through this first contact and then later on a second intermediary Robert (Bob) Durant. Through the years to 2011. I will at a later date maybe share some of those communications.
In 2011 we started the arrangements for me to Visit New York and Ingo. (see below). We were deciding on what was the best month due to the hot NY weather and Ingo didn’t want me to be uncomfortable staying at his.
The next communication details the arrangements for the meeting – by this time my communications back and forth with Bob Durant had indicated Ingo’s failing health, due to this I decided I would not stay at Ingo’s but would stay at a hotel to make it easier for him all round. The letter back from Ingo states: ‘he is totally flexible, and says, “I can’t climb a mountain any more, but I can talk forever”, His way of saying the length of visit (s) is up to you and does not think you will wear him out.
When I did visit for the few hours – I actually did wear him out – what can I say, I had a mountain of questions.
My visit with Ingo was in July 2011. I arrived at Ingo’s at approx 9.30ish and left around 3.40ish. So Yes I only spent a good 6 hrs or so with both Ingo and Bob Durant. As I exited the Taxi outside Ingos, they were both there sat on the stoop – the usual testing place to see if one would be allowed to enter. They already had coffees so we welcomed each other there whilst the coffees were consumed. Then I was allowed to enter.
During this time I asked hundreds of questions. These were on CRV, historical topics, Penetration, the Moon, and more. I showed Ingo some of my CRV session work, and he showed me some of the many CRV trainee RV folders and sessions that he had kept. It was a stack of folders not short of four feet in height. I read these sat in the basement in front of his most famous Millennium painting, whilst he sat at the other end of the table smoking his cigars and smiling. During a coffee break, I wandered around his studio looking at the amazing collection of nik-naks paintings and art that adorned every available surface, religious paintings, and statues. At approx one-ish it was decided that we would lunch so I followed them both very slowly across the street from Ingo’s to a restaurant where we say in a both-and eat lunch. I, being English ordered a fish and chips – which I didn’t finish but as we all finished Ingo ordered the waitress to pack and the left over’s in a box for his lunch later.
Whilst at lunch the conversation changed from Remote Viewing topics to one of UFOS, and I was swamped with suggestions from both Ingo and Bob on who to contact to get the very best and latest news, insights, and more on this topic. Ingo, I and the waitress also all have a conversion and show and tell about Tattoos – I had recently got a Samurai sleeve tat and the waitress also have a full arm sleeve of Japanese style. Ingo had a small one on his hand.
As lunch ended we walked the few yards back to Ingo’s basement and the questions started again.
After the questions were exhausted from my end Ingo presented me with a paper – a statement written for me and he said for me to sue as I saw fit. Ingo asked me to read the two-page statement out and back to him – and although nervous – I did as asked.
I then asked if I could take a few pictures of Ingo’s Artwork which he obliged. Bob asked If I would like a picture of myself with Ingo and we used my camera to do so. I then took one of my all-time favorite images of Ingo and Bob together. (see below).
It was clear by now that all this was starting to take its toll on Ingo, so after signing my copy of his Penetration Book, it was decided that we call it a day as Ingo needed to rest. I then left this amazing den of RV history saying my goodbyes and found my way back to upper Manhattan and my wife.

On returning home I continued the communications and here was the next two back (below). The first started what would be a long back and forth for many months between Bob and I over Ingo’s legacy and his archives – which thankful have ended up at the UWG here .
In a second response that same day bob replied with:
It was all a great pleasure…Ingo got a favorable impression of you as I did.
For a long time remote viewer like myself – what more could you ask for? (see below).
Bob and I continued a few letters back and forth and a few telephone conversations. Mainly of the topic of scanning and storing Ingo’s paper archives. The next letter indicated a response from Bob to me informing him and Ingo of my desire to write a book showing the full developmental history of CRV backed up by documentation. (A task I am now engrossed within). Bob’s response is below.
Bob details that it’s exactly the book needed.
There is also a sentence in Bob’s email back to me that I have been informed is similar to another email Bob sent to someone else – one that is being referenced to in the social media comments. Several people have taken as that I only spent an hr or so in the company of Ingo and they are trying to use this as some kind of credibility weapon against me. Bob writes in my email: “Ingo has no more energy now than he had when you visited, which I must remind you was only enough to spend the hour and a half or two that you shared with him”.
All I can add is I definitely did not spend an hr or two, heck we couldn’t have even eaten in that amount of time let alone do all the rest. But here it is – the alleged great evidence of whatever they are alleging with their devious words trying to demolish any fact that I had ANY communications with Ingo.
In one of my last communications with both Ingo and Bob (below) its details me asking if I could get a few more questions on CRV specifics for my book – but Ingo at this stage was just not interested anymore in discussing CRV/RV, but he did give me permission to quote and use as I wish from his online writings. Bob does add some interesting comments that support even today the often conflicted and difficult (in Bobs words ‘fuzzy history’) as I myself and others try to pin down the history of the CRV developmental processes – which plagues CRV and has in part fanned the flames of the recent CRV wars in the RV community.
So here it is. A list of most of my communications with Bob Durant and some with Ingo. My amazing experience of Ingo’s domain and of Ingo and Bob themselves. As discussed a very small few noisy individuals have taken to try and paint me in a negative light using private communications against me claiming I had little to no knowledge or communications with Ingo. I leave it up to you to decide.
All I can offer is I count myself very lucky to have had Ingo reach out to me – to give and trust me with personally written statements to us on his behalf – to make me a friend and to eventually meet with both him and Bob and to see inside Ingo’s cavern of artistic wonders.
For those of you out there who really want to learn about RV/CRV – the art, writing, and work of Ingo Swann is an amazing treasure trove of insight. His work on creating the CRV remote viewing process is a work of genius that is emulated and copied in many forms today – as it should be. If you happen across these tribal wars, please try to ignore them – they are fleeting and will pass – the legacy of Ingo Swann and his and others’ contributions to better understand the human potential will last well beyond all conflicts.