Dec 2021 Remote Viewing Videos: UPDATE.

over the last two years there have been an exlosion of remote viewing video and content make the list below somewhat redundant.

Here are some better updated RV video resources:

Remote Viewing Videos

Below are some of the many collected remote viewing videos available online. There are many more, too many to list in full as they keep changing in the dynamic online world – for comprehensive results both good and bad just search YOUTUBE for Remote Viewing. We also have more videos here in our remote viewing bibliography.



This first batch of videos are collected talks form the SSE (Society for Scientific Exploration) 2009-


Remote Viewing and climate change
The Farsight Institute conducted a Climate Project that utilized remote-viewing data with Earth-based targets for the years 2008 and 2013. Two remote-viewing methodologies (CRV and HRVG) and eight highly trained remote viewers were involved in the study. The primary purpose of the study is to explore the use of remote viewing to predict the future given certain conditions. All remote-viewing sessions were completed prior to the target date for the 2008 targets.

Stock Market Prediction Using Associative Remote Viewing with Untrained Viewers.
Ten inexperienced remote viewers attempted to predict the outcome of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) using a protocol known as associative remote viewing (ARV).

Physical and Remote-Viewing Evidence of Active Artificiality on Mars
An extensive remote-viewing study was conducted at The Farsight Institute in March 2010 to investigate an anomalous high resolution image of Mars that suggests artificiality. The study involves nine highly trained remote viewers across four remote-viewing methodologies, all methodologies of which are directly or indirectly derived from remote-viewing methodologies used by the United States military forces. The image that constitutes the target of the remote viewing suggests that a spray or fountain of liquid is being discharged from a long tubular nozzle, which in turn is connected to an apparent pipeline that leads to a dome formation.

The Real Story of Goats
Col. John Alexander discusses some of the facts and fallacies surrounding the army’s psychic research program, with which he was intimately involved.

The Paradigm Argument Against Psi
Dr.Paul H. Smith examines the flaws of the Paradigm Argument—a non evidence-based rejection of ESP.


Making ARV Work
– Physicist York Dobyns analyzes attempts to use Associative Remote Viewing (ARV) to predict lottery numbers and the stock market.

Multiple Universes
– Remote viewer Dr. Courtney Brown discusses the possible implications of precognition to the “many worlds” theory.


Why ESP is Consciousness’ Only Hope
– Paul Smith makes the case that psi phenomena do not support a strictly physical notion of consciousness.

Exploring the Boundaries of Perception
– Engineer and former Stargate remote viewer Dale Graff examines common elements of a range of unusual experiences that may provide insight into modes of human perception, and dualities of sensing and knowing.

Gazing at the Mind’s Eye
– Dean Radin tests if the “mind’s eye” can “see” the future. In another, subjects are asked to use their “mind’s eye” to perceive a beam of photons in a distant, light-tight optical apparatus.


Farsight Institute

The Manoa Project
2012: The Climate Project, Full Version
Multiple Universes, Full Version
Mars Life, Full Version
Glenn Wheaton: What is Remote Viewing?
Glenn Wheaton Discussing Remote-Viewing Analysis
Glenn Wheaton: What Does One Do With Remote Viewing?
Glenn Wheaton on the Value of Collaboration with Remote-Viewing Projects
Glenn Wheaton Discussing “Cool Down” and Remote Viewing
Glenn Wheaton Discussing the Difference Between Normal and Remote-Viewing Perception
Glenn Wheaton Discussing the Nature of Remote Viewing Visual Data

Lyn Buchanan: What is Remote Viewing?
Lyn Buchanan: More on What is Remote Viewing?
Lyn Buchanan Discussing Prediction Using Remote Viewing
Lyn Buchanan on Teaching Remote Viewing
Lyn Buchanan Discussing the Analysis of Remote-Viewing Data
Lyn Buchanan on the Value of Collaboration with Remote-Viewing Projects
Lyn Buchanan Discussing Differences Between Normal and Remote-Viewing Perception
Lyn Buchanan on Databasing with Remote Viewing

Dick Allgire: What is Remote Viewing?
Dick Allgire Discussing Remote-Viewing Analysis
Dick Allgire Discussing “Cool Down” and Remote Viewing
Dick Allgire on Sidereal Time and Remote Viewing
Dick Allgire on Tagging and Coinkydinks

Courtney Brown: What is Remote Viewing?
Courtney Brown on RV “Cool Down”
Courtney Brown on Remote-Viewing Analysis
Courtney Brown on Targets and the Language of Remote Viewing
Courtney Brown discussing the overall RV environment, including meditation, clothes, and the RV room

Lyn Buchanan

Remote Viewing: An intro
Remote Viewing: What is remote viewing?
Remote Viewing: Can I win the lottery?

Paul H Smith

How Does Dowsing Work?
Paul H. Smith on Goats & Ronson


Joe McMoneagle

Joe McMoneagle interview
Joe McMoneagle – MUFON-LA – 2006
Joe McMoneagle, Remote Viewing Workshop
Joe McMoneagle uses remote viewing to find missing people

Ingo Swann

Ingo Swann last Public talk
I.R.V.A. 2006 – Ingo talk
Early Ingo Swann interview


David Morehouse

Strange but True – remote viewing – April 1998 – Pt1
Strange but True – remote viewing – April 1998 – Pt2
Strange but True – remote viewing – April 1998 – Pt3


Dick Allgire Talks About “Remote Viewing The God Particle.”

Edward Riordan videoed Remote Viewing examples

 Courtney Brown – Remote Viewing Atlantis


2012 –

MUFON & Joe McMoneagle 2011

Controlled Remote Viewing: A Transformational Journey
Dr. Dominique Surel presents an overview of the CRV experience and how it affects the personal lives of the remote viewers

Dr. Harold Puthoff on Remote Viewing
– Dr. Hal Puthoff is considered the father of the US government’s Remote Viewing program, which reportedly ran between 1973-1991.

Remote Viewing Life On Mars
An extensive remote-viewing study was conducted at The Farsight Institute in March 2010 to investigate an anomalous high resolution image of Mars that suggests artificiality.

Documentary: The Real X-Files – America’s Psychic Spies – Remote Viewing.

Ingo Swann The Man Who Started Remote Viewing – last public appearance.

2004 Unsolved History – Remote Viewing by David Morehouse

The Secret Life Of Uri Geller – Full Uncut Version – CIA/Remote Viewing Spy? (2013)

1991 Remote Viewing the Gulf War on CBS News

The Farsight Experiments

We also have more videos here in our remote viewing bibliography.